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Case studies


White papers detailing how Trade in Space provides a trustworthy, autitable method to keep supply chains sustainable, transparent, and traceable.
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    Geospatial Analysis for Assessing Crop Health Risks Due to Climate Change

    Sustainable living for everyone on Earth demands an in-depth knowledge of threats that threaten the food chain. Climate change poses particular risks to crops, making them susceptible to pests, diseases and temperature-related challenges. Recognising this urgency, Trade in Space’s analyst team led an innovative project sponsored by Scottish Enterprise in order to assess crop health using advanced data layers and assess risk.

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    Geospatial Analysis for Assessing Crop Health Risks Due to Climate Change
  • 5 minutes read

    Why Coffee?

    One of the commodity verticals we do a lot of work with at Trade in Space is coffee.

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    Space data for coffee?!
  • 5 minutes read

    The future of coffee

    Analysts forecast that by 2050, climate change will cause some of the most suitable coffee producing origins will decrease in output by up to 50%. With over 2 billion cups consumed daily, we at Trade in Space partnered with colleagues at Environment Systems to investigate how climate change might affect the supply of coffee – where are the highest risk origins, and what might future impact look like on the ground? Data from satellites can help us find the answers.

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    Sustainability Passporting for Climate Threatened Arabica – A case study
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